By Biasi Rocky
Supporting Others Without Burning Out: Self-Care for Accidental Counsellors

In the challenging yet fulfilling role of an accidental counsellor – whether in the workplace, among friends, or within family dynamics – self-care is crucial. Balancing support for others with your own well-being is essential to prevent burnout. This comprehensive guide provides practical self-care strategies for those who find themselves in informal counselling roles. Understanding

By Biasi Rocky
The Role of Empathy in Everyday Counselling Scenarios

  Empathy is a fundamental element in effective counselling, crucial even in non-professional settings where one might assume an accidental counselling role. This article delves into the role of empathy in everyday counselling scenarios, underscoring its importance and how to nurture this vital skill. Understanding Empathy in Counselling Empathy transcends sympathy. While sympathy is feeling

By Biasi Rocky
How to Be an Effective Listener: Techniques for Accidental Counsellors

Effective listening is crucial for accidental counsellors – those unexpectedly in a counselling role, whether at work, with friends, or in family situations. Good listening involves understanding, empathy, and support, not just hearing words. This article offers practical techniques to enhance your listening skills. 1. Understand the Importance of Listening Effective listening is more than

By Biasi Rocky
10 Essential Skills Every Accidental Counsellor Needs

  Accidental counsellors, often teachers, managers, or those interacting closely with others, play a vital role without formal training in counselling. If you find yourself in this position, honing specific skills can significantly enhance your effectiveness. This article outlines ten essential skills every accidental counsellor should strive to acquire. 1. Active Listening Active listening is

By Biasi Rocky
Listening Deeply

  This description of Listening Deeply by Jeff Foster resonated deeply with me and how I describe listening in our sessions I wanted to share with you also.   Listening Deeply The most beautiful quality of all in a human being, in my humble opinion? The ability to listen deeply. To listen from Presence.

By Biasi Rocky
Beating Burnout and Finding Balance: An Interview with Melo Calarco

Explore key insights from Melo Calarco on ‘Beating Burnout and Finding Balance’ in our exclusive interview. Discover actionable strategies for managing stress, achieving work-life harmony, and enhancing your well-being. Dive into practical advice for thriving in today’s fast-paced world.

By Biasi Rocky
Chapter 9: Balance

In this blog post, we’ll be summarising the key insights from a captivating book on balance and renewal. The author, Melo Calarco, takes readers on a transformative journey by exploring the importance of finding balance in life. The book offers valuable lessons and practical strategies to help individuals rejuvenate their energy and truly value the

By Biasi Rocky
Chapter 8: Gratitude and Compassion

In our journey of personal growth and self-discovery, we often encounter chapters that teach us valuable life lessons. One such chapter revolves around the profound concepts of gratitude and compassion. These principles have the remarkable ability to elevate our well-being, foster balance, and transform our outlook on life. In this blog post, we will explore

By Biasi Rocky
Chapter 7: Purpose and Perseverance

In life, we often encounter chapters that teach us valuable lessons about purpose and perseverance. These lessons resonate deeply with our core values and can have a profound impact on our journey towards achieving our goals. In this blog post, I would like to share a personal story and discuss the importance of aligning with

By Biasi Rocky
Chapter 6: Fear and Trust

Fear can be a powerful and primal emotion that often holds us back from realising our full potential. However, beyond fear lies trust—the belief that we possess the inner resources to navigate any situation, no matter how challenging. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of turning towards our fears, recognizing them for

By Biasi Rocky
Chapter 5: Overwhelm and Anxiety

  In our journey through life, we often find ourselves entangled in the web of overwhelming anxiety. It’s a topic so vast and profound that it could easily fill an entire podcast episode. Today, we will explore a life lesson shared by Melo, shedding light on how overwhelm and anxiety are often products of our

By Biasi Rocky
Chapter 4: Self Regulation

The next chapter of our blog takes us into the realm of self-regulation. As we discussed earlier, self-regulation is a fundamental aspect of mindfulness practice. It empowers us to navigate through life’s challenges with greater ease and composure. One key takeaway from this chapter is the profound impact that self-regulation techniques, particularly utilising the breath,

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What Our Students Say

I will be able to take these strategies to my faculty and help them deal with their management difficulties.

Karla Olmos
St Clair High School

Excellent workshop with practical, realistic advice and strategies for classroom use. I am already thinking of new ways to manage my classes tomorrow. Thanks Rocky.

Lauren Clarkstone
Cranebrook High School

Hi Rocky,

Thanks so much for last week’s professional development. I have been teaching for more years than I am willing to admit and don’t often put pen to paper but on this occasion I feel compelled to do so.

Your two day “Accidental counselling course” left me with many tools and a whole new outlook on helping my very needy students. I feel invigorated and empowered by my learning, the techniques you taught me, I have no doubt will make me more effective not only at a school level but also on a personal level.

I left on Thursday afternoon feeling a little overwhelmed but in the days that followed it all unravelled and I started to make sense of it all. The clarity of my mind on Monday morning when I was called upon to use my new learning was a really exciting moment for me, when for the first time I started to listen to one of my students in a whole new way.

I really can’t thank you enough and would highly recommend the accidental counselling course to anyone involved with children. Kind Regards.

David Toogood
Karningul School

I would like to take a moment to tell you what a great experience I had at your workshop. I have been a teacher for 19 years and have participated in sessions such as BoysTalk, and completed units on Interpersonal Relationships at Uni. I found your workshop to be informative, challenging (in a good way), and most importantly it contained skills that are immediately useful. I found myself using some of the techniques covered in the following week with great success.

When I got to work on Monday I immediately recommended you to the schools’ Executive Leaders as something to be considered for our staff PD. Whilst it may not suit everyone (as not everyone is comfortable being a counsellor), your workshop would be an invaluable experience for anyone interested in developing their skills as a counsellor, either as a career pathway or as an ‘accidental’ counsellor.

Dale Evans
Charles Campbell College Adelaide

This training covered a range of strategies and I could relate it to my own experience.

Stan Sklias
Sefton High School
Connect and Influence without Burning Out
Accidental Counsellor Training